So, a little about me...
I have lived and worked in Adelaide all my adult life. I've travelled the world and seen how the other half live and yes, there are a few other places I think I could call home, but this little city fits me well. I studied art and design and after some life experience got into advertising which is where many designers end up. Lucky for me every job I've had has been better than the last in some way or another and I have been able to learn and grow with every new experience, both as a designer and as a person. I like to work and I don't mind if it is fast and furious, long hours or mind-bending concepts. I enjoy art and design and love to do a bit of illustration. I have also been known to paint and draw for fun too.
Funny, for a sleepy little town, Adelaide has been keeping me very busy.
In my private life I have a husband and daughter and when opportunities present themselves we like to snow ski and scuba dive.
So, to contact me just drop me an email.
Jo 🙂